Wednesday, April 21, 2010

with a name like Mechanical Violator Hakaider.....

After a frustrating Monday, I decided to spend some time getting back to an awesome classic; Mechanical Violator Hakaider!! Hakaider was originally the villain of the Japanese Henshin hero series Kikaider, but in this movie he's more of an anti hero who helps a band of rebels overthrow the leader of Jesus town (yes that's exactly what it's called). Why? Only because he believes that peace is achieved through inserting chips into people's heads to suppress their emotions, and that my friends just won't do at all!

The rest of the movie pretty much has the phallus headed pariah violating every and anyone who gets in his way of killing the leader of  Jesus Town's oppressive government. It's not Shakespeare by a long shot, but it's a fun little movie that will keep you entertained for all of 77 minutes. Above is a sketch I did while watching the movie.

If the movie piqued any of your interests be sure to check it out I bought it as part of the Keita Amemiya collection which features two other movies: Moon over Tao, and Zeiram 2. Total must have!

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